Security Solutions - Stealth Tactical Armed Response
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Security Solutions

  1. Alarm Systems -Supply & Install
  2. Monitoring & Armed Response
  3. CCTV Camera Systems
  4. Electric Fence
  5. Outdoor Detection/Beams
  6. Home Automation
  7. Stealth Security Connect-App
  8. Control Room 24/7
  9. Medical Assist
  10. Stealth Safe Entry-Request a response vehicle to stand off at  your home
  1. Alarm Systems – Supply and Install
  2. Monitoring and Armed Response
  3. Business CCTV Camera Systems
  4. Electric Fencing
  5. Boom Gates
  6. Off-site Monitoring
  7. Access Control
  8. Response Vehicles
  9. Street Patrols-Patrol Officers
  10. Street Cameras
  11. Biometric Security
  12. Integrated Solutions
  13. Guarding:
  • Stealth Active intelligence Guarding
  • Stealth Active Track
  • Stealth Access management system


14. Medical Assist: Dispatching of either private or state ambulance

  1. Stealth Outreach
  2. Response Vehicles
  3. ANPR Number Plate Recognition
  4. Guarding Services
  5. Community Watch
  6. Localized Security-Stealth Zone